Do Laundry Games 3D
for App Store お問い合わせ Inquiries

*Customer support is outsourced to CYBIRD Corporation. Please note that CYBIRD Corporation will reply to your inquiry.

よくある質問とその答え(FAQ)はこちら FAQs and Answers Are Here

お問い合わせ Inquiries

Please select the subject that is closest to your inquiry.

ご連絡先メールアドレスYour email address【必須】*Required

確認用メールアドレスConfirmation of email address【必須】*Required
確認の為、もう一度入力してくださいPlease input after double-checking what you wrote.

Please read and agree to our Privacy Policy before pushing the button to continue.


◆Currently, we provide Customer Service via e-mail only.
 There are NO other way such as phone or social media (Facebook, Line...) to reach a Customer Support Agent.
◆We will make a public announcement in-game in the event of a major error.
 Please note that this announcement will act as our response to the error, and we may not be answering all individual inquiries.
◆Depending on the day of your support request or the nature of your support request, our reply could be delayed.
◆If you set filters in your email accounts to block email coming from suspicious email addresses or domains, our emails may be sent to your spam folder.
 In this case, please set your email account to allow reception of emails coming from the following
 *We are unable to help you change your email account settings. For more information, please contact your email service provider.